Friday, May 17, 2013

Pope urges Church communities to open their doors to the poor

Open the doors to your communities so that the sacrament of love can make them meeting places and centres of charity for those in search of a helping hand.” 

This was Francis’ message to participants at the “Diaconia 2013” meeting in Lourdes. 

The message was sent via the Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, Vatican Radio reports.
There are about a hundred Catholic aid movements coordinated by the French Episcopal Conference’s solidarity council taking part in the initiative. The theme of the meeting this year is: “Serve the Brotherhood. Sharing the Church with the poor”.
In his message, the Pope focuses on the “serious financial, economic and ecological crisis” that is currently afflicting the world, particularly the most vulnerable. In such a context, the Church follows in Christ’s footsteps and joins and accompanies all those who are crushed by life’s trials.” 

Its task in this crisis-stricken world is to offer creative love,” inspired by faith and far from the individualistic ideologies that make poverty worse.
 “On the other hand, Catholic identity has never been an obstacle to collaboration with others or to serve the world’s poorest” because “Christ wanted Christians to be the light of the world;” “a sign of the goodness, compassion and paternal love God has for each person,” Francis’ message concludes.